Effect of Thermal and Chemical Pre-treatment on Callogenesis of Anther Culture in Damask Rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) And Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa hybrida)



Haploidy method through androgensis is highly important in breeding of many plants. However, this method has not been successful in rose breeding, so far. In this research the responses of two rose species (Rosa damascena Mill. and Rosa hybrida) to anther culture were investigated by using some thermal and chemical pre-treatments. Results showed that the anthers cultured in early to mid-uninucleate stages produced a favorable callogenesis. The heat and heat-manitol pre-treatments caused cell death. The low temperature pre-treatment (4 C) for three days showed the best anther callogenesis among all studied treatments. The application of heat and cold pre-treatments after anther culture in H1 medium for 4 days significantly improved the callogensis.
