Pollination Compatibility of some Selected Almond Cultivars and Genotypes with Commercial and Late Flowering A200 Almond Cultivar

Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Horticultural Sciences Research Institute

3 Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute


One of the main problems limiting almond culture is self-incompatibility and cross-incompatibility in pollination of different cultivars. In the present study, pollination compatibility of commercial and late flowering almond cultivar A200 with twenty almond cultivars and genotypes existing in the collection garden of Horticultural Sciences Research Institute, in Karaj was investigated. Fruit set was recorded three times after pollination. The growth of pollen tube in style was also studied 120 hours after pollination by fluorescence microscope (UV). The results of statistical analysis of the percentage of final fruit set showed that the best pollinizers for A200 were Shokofe, 24-14, 16-25, 14-12 and D99 genotypes with mean percentage fruit of 38.82, 37, 14.37, 36.14 and 32.58, respectively. The results of the microscopic study of pollen tube growth indicated that more than 75% of the pollen tubes of genotypes Shokofe, 14.24, 16.25, 14-12 and D99 in garden reached to the end of the style that was enough time. None of the pollinizer genotypes showed cross-incompatibility with A200. Thus, for development of new orchards of almond, all almond genotypes used in this study can be considered as pollinizer for cultivar A200..


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