Relationship Between Height from Sea level and Physiological Traits in Wild Ecotypes of Berberis vulgaris in Shahrood Area



This study was conducted to assess the variability of physiological traits of wild types of Berberis vulgaris in different growing areas and altitudes in Shahrood. The experiment was carried out as factorial in the basis of randomized complete block design with three replications during 2011-2012 cropping season. The first factor consisted of three growing areas Tange Heidar Valley, Glierd and Valley of Ghatar Zereshk, and the second factor was three altiludes 1400-1650, 1650-1900 and 1900-2150 meter from sea level. Five physiological traits were assessed in randomized samples of the shrubs taken at different growth stages and different parts of the plants. The results showed significant differences in physiological traits in different growing areas and different altitudes. Anthocyanin content (46.44 mg/100mg), Berberin content (15.66%), pH of fruit (3.08) and total soluable solids (20.22 %) decreased with increase of height from sea level, while acidity of fruit increased with height. Significant negative and positive correlations were observed between different traits in different growing areas and different altiludes.


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