Effect of Application of Benzyladenin and Gibberellin on Stolen Production and Some Vegetative Traits in Three Strawberry Cultivars



  Two Experiments were conducted to study the effect of benzyladenin and gibberellin on runner production and comparing some vegetative traits of three strawberry cultivars in greenhouse and laboratories of Deparrtment of Horticultural Science, University of Tehran in 2006 and 2007. In the first year (2006), the experiment was carried out as factorial in a completely randomized design (CRD), with two factors hormonal treatments and strawberry cultivars and in three replications. Hormonel treatments had two levels: the mixture of BA (Benzyladenin) 1200 ppm and GA (Gibberellin) 300 ppm, and control (0ppm). Three strawberry cultivars (Pajaro, Queen Eliza and Paros) were sprayed in April and June. The second experiment (2007) was conducted as factorial in a completely randomized design (CRD), with five replications with two factors hormonal treatments and strawberry cultivars. Hormonal treatments had five levels. In the first year, results showed that the effect of hormonel treatments was not significant on any trait. In the second year, results showed that the effect of hormonel treatment were significant on all traits. Highest number of plantlets were observed in the second treatment (mixture of BA 1200 ppm and GA 300 ppm sprayed in April) with a standard crown diameter of 6.15 mm. However, highest number of runners in each mother plants and highest crown diameter of plantlets were observed in control (0 ppm).
